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爱游戏,Biogas as energy source is overvalued Think of effluent heat? It is true that biogas as an energy


焦点提醒:Biogas as energy source is overvalued Think of effluent heat?It is true that biogas as an energy source is sometimes overvalued, and there are other potential sources of energy that may be more efficient and practical, such as effluent heat. Efflue中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事 Biogas as energy source is overvalued Think of effluent heat? It is true that biogas as an energy source is sometimes overvalued, and there are other potential sources of energy that may be more efficient and practical, such as effluent heat. Effluent heat refers to the heat energy that can be recovered from wastewater during the treatment process. This heat can be used to preheat influent wastewater, or it can be used to generate electricity or provide heat for buildings or other facilities. Compared to bi����Ϸappogas, effluent heat is a more consistent and reliable source of energy, and it does not require the additional processing and infrastructure that biogas production requires. However, it is important to note that effluent heat recovery may not be feasible or cost-effective in all situations, and the best approach will depend on the specific needs and circumstances of each wastewater treatment facility.沼气作为能源被高估了。想一想污水的热量吗?诚然,沼气作为一种能源有时被高估了,还其他可能更高效、更适用的能源,例如废热。污水热是指污水在处置进程中能够收受接管的热能。这类热量能够用来预热流入的废水,也能够用来发电或为建筑物或其他举措措施供给热量。与沼气比拟,废热是一种更不变靠得住的能源,不需要沼气出产所需的额外处置和根本举措措施。但是,需要留意的是,污水热收受接管可能在所无情况下都不成行或不具有本钱效益,最好方式将取决在每一个污水处置举措措施的具体需乞降环境。

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